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The Essentials Workshop" $75.00 if purchased up to 14 days before class, and $100 thereafter.

The three-hour workshop is offered each month. "The Essentials Workshop" - I suggest all students begin with the deep BASIC learning and grounding, herein is by far a favorite among many students.  Here watch this video, then find your location and date to sign up for a workshop. Expect to be verbally guided through a sequence of gentle movements, breaking down complex actions into smaller movement components. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or blanket.

Feldenkrais Fitness

Specialty course 

Feldenkrais Fitness will represent a revolutionary understanding in human health: self-discovery, internal inquiry and a profound understanding of human development. Moshé Feldenkrais developed his method in the 1950s and 1960s and predicted the method on ideas like neuroplasticity and the functional application of neurological phenomena. These ideas have continued to be proven throughout the advancement of neuroscience and are now widely received and accepted throughout many holistic communities.


The Specialty Course ( Saturday )   

( 90 mins  ~ weekly ) The principles and functions will deliver a powerful impact on the intelligence of the nervous system as each lesson has the potential for deep self-inquiry and observation. It is not only emotionally demanding it can also be physically demanding as this practical application can bring you the highest quality Feldenkrais® experience. Students will develop astounding movement techniques to enhance everyday skills, intelligence, and creativity in their movement behaviors. Sensationally your body will be given tools to get you back on the road to health and optimal freedom so you can create a more fulling lifestyle. Athletes from all backgrounds find immense pleasure, read this and find out what's been said.


Minimal 5 students to start a Feldenkrais Fitness or Speciality Course6-week course ~ Saturday

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