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Feldenkrais Babies

Feldenkrais Babies

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What's different about your group classes?

Most fitness forms show you how to move. However, Awareness Through Movement sessions provide that internal wisdom while adding in a deeper understanding of self discovery and meditation which can only be found in The Feldenkrais Method. In my group classes students learn HOW their normal movement patterns are disrupted. And...YES improvements are noticed in your first class. 

What is the difference in the Specialty Course?

Students are observed individually to heighten their particularly unique needs in areas of struggle in daily movement habits. Consider the Specialty Course as your private class. Therefore, in 6 short weeks, given to a closed group, you will quickly learn how your unconscious movement habits dramatically reduce ANY discomfort, pain or injury. Where are your limitations? 

What should I wear or bring to class?

Wear comfortable clothing you can move in while on the floor. Bring your yoga mat or blanket and towel. Don't forget your water.

What are the benefits of joining a class or workshop?

Many students find relief from injuries in their first class. Some use class or workshops for more efficiency, stress relief, sounder sleep, anxiety or other problematic symptoms. Read for yourself. 


Where should I start?

My Feldenkrais specialty Awareness Through Movement workshops introduce you to a revolutionary holistic way of moving that many are raving about. Many students find pleasure in The Essentials Workshop. This 3 hour workshop offers students that deep internal understanding of ~ Awareness Through Movement. For clients needing more direct attention Functional Integration can be a consideration.

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