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Wellness Plans


Choose the best Wholistic wellness plan that fit your needs. Click on a photo to find out more. My specialty workshops help to engage your brain and body to maximize ease of movement, vitality or healing - sign up here. 


Tranquil Touch Therapy®


Tranquil Touch Therapy® is a special place to relax and heal. Leondra understands the need for nurturing touch. Her hands listen from movement to movement while integrating various techniques. Leondra encourages women to use massage as a Whole-istic wellness support system to enhance everyday movement and overall wellbeing. 


Are you committed to a fitness regime or any athletic pleasure? Are you involved in a weight loss system, boot camp regime, running, dancing or jogging? What are your athletic pleasures? Would you like to learn new therapeutic or stress-relieving techniques to enhance rehabilitation, general wellness or freedom in movement? 


Scheduling a massage adds to your health and physical fitness. Let's connect seasonally to optimize your wellness.


   "A Body Tune Up"!

The Feldenkrais Method® Functional Integration


The Feldenkrais Method® of Functional Integration teach you new ways of learning how to make choices to move more freely. The positive integration of the mind and body through the Feldenkrais Method® enables people to live more comfortable and rewarding lives. With improved efficiency comes greater enjoyment and pleasure in daily living. Ordinary problems associated with the work place, impaired mobility and or aging are remedied.


Persons with orthopedic or neurological problems experience wonderful therapeutic benefits. Here learn why Feldenkrais developed an ingenious hands-on method for effective neuromuscular reeducation. Functional Integration!!  


Somatic Joy®

Awareness Through Movement.


 The Feldenkrais Method® of Awareness Through Movement®

( ATM's® lessons ) is an approach to working with people which expands their repertoire of movement by enhancing awareness.

Somatic Joy -  ( ATM's®) improves human function and enables people to express themselves more fully. It’s also one of the most relaxing effective stress reduction techniques around. Watch Video


Regular students of the Feldenkrais Method enjoy better posture, breathing, and coordination as well as greater mental and physical flexibility. They typically report enhanced performance, creativity and pleasure in activities as diverse as walking, dancing, running, climbing, golfing, gardening, driving, and housekeeping. Feldenkrais lessons are fascinating and fun!. 

Femme! is more than a dance class, it’s an experience.”


The Femme! Experience is a fusion of sensual movement, dance, meditation, creative visualization and celebration of the feminine form. Femme! as designed creates a multisensory experience that creates sacred, safe spaces for women to enhance their femininity; to move in sensual ways to explore and release emotions, to alter or release beliefs about themselves and to unapologetically love their bodies!


Femme! as a lifestyle empowers and invites women to reclaim their feminine power and to boldly display that power as they walk throughout the world. When a woman “lives Femme!she radiates her unique magnificence through her body, her work, her relationships and with everyone and everything she comes in contact. She’s confident. She’s sassy, sultry and owns her sensuality.  

Somatic Dance Therapy

for self healing within

Somatic Dance Therapy was developed for the mature woman needing a slow gentle self healing class to improve cognitive, functional and postural habits. 

Do you know someone who's had recent hip surgery?

Somatic Dance Therapy integrates healing techniques from these unique modalities: Feldenkrais, Qoya, Tia Chi, and Gyrokinesis to optimize sensation in the feet, knees, hips and upper body?


Joining this barefoot class invites the intelligent design of the muscles and bones to increase range of motion, stability and locomotion. The student is empowered with gratitude as they expand their understanding of moving the body's way. 


Join the movement !

Dance In Joy®

for Vitality, Grace, and Ease.


Dance in Joy® a program for everybody. Participants learning is enhanced and nurtured via the body and brain while sitting in a chair. Neuroplasticity slow moves will gain momentum with organic playful moves to enhance major joints and digits. Students develop a stronger foundation for stability in gravity as they notice astounding differences from their first class. 


Organic movement induces vitality naturally using mind and body as a healthy way to develop longevity and fluidity regardless of your physical discomfort or ability. 

Feldenkrais Seated Fitness ~ twice-weekly format of 8 or 16 classes provides a depth of stamina and awareness. Pleasure is quickly achieved with this intensive class format, students learn how to apply the seated method with daily use. Read this Senior Advisors article. 


Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.[1][2] Since originating in Japan, Reiki has been adapted into varying cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use a technique they call palm healing or hands-on healing by which a "universal energy" is allegedly transferred through the palms of the practitioner to a patient in order to encourage healing.

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